Spring Ritual...
Spring’s in full bloom in my little corner of the world. Our backyard, Luna Garden, alit with beautiful flowers of so many colors, textures, scents, energies, medicines, shapes and sizes. Each one trusting in divine timing to bloom at its own pace.
We can learn so much from the flowers.
Bright green blankets the ground, grows from the branches and sends healing energy directly to your heart chakra. Feel it radiating through your heart space. Close your eyes and breathe in the energy of new life, fresh starts, new beginnings and rebirth. Allow spring’s gentle reminder of the ‘new’ to course through you. Delight in the scents of nature as they dance in your nose. Utterly divine. Feel it livening you. Awakening you from your cold slumber.
I love the spring. It’s one of my favorite seasons and this year I needed Spring. Like, REALLY NEEDED IT!!!! It’s been a long freakin’ winter. I needed spring more than ever, to remind me, how to begin again. It’s been a year, loves. Worse for some, of course. Difficult in some way for all of us. Incredibly challenging for the highly sensitive souls out there.
BREATHE, dear ones.
BREATHE and if you can get out in nature to just BE. I highly recommend it.
Nature truly heals and holds us if we allow it.
Since moving to this sacred land tucked away in the Blue Ridge Mountains, land of the Monocan tribes, I’ve discovered the healing powers of nature and ritual.
Before my spiritual awakening was in full swing, before I truly began to dance with the goddess, I’d hear the word “ritual” and think…religion/bad/scary wacko thing witches and pagans do. Thank you patriarchy and Hollywood.
In studying the scared feminine healing arts, I understand the witch, paganism and earth-based spirituality in an entirely new, luminous light. I see the witch archetype as a wise and powerful woman and earth-based spirituality my remembered temple. The Great Mother, my beloved mentor and ritual, has become something I crave.
SPRING CLEANING was always a spring ritual in my house growing up. I didn’t love the cleaning part. But I definitely felt good afterward. I still love opening a window and letting the beautiful fresh spring air into my home. It’s divine. So, this year after a quickie Sedar and Easter egg hunt, in the midst of our spring cleaning I thought…'“this is great, but I want something more meaningful to honor the arrival of Spring.”
As a highly sensitive empath I spend a lot of time in my head. Did I mention I’m also a recovering perfectionist?
Here’s what played out:
Perfection: “It’s the spring equinox right now and ya got nothin, sister. It’s too late. Just keep cleaning and maybe next year you can plan something out ahead of time. And… it will be PERFECT (singsong).”
Me: “Ugh, I feel like it always sneaks up on me and I’m never prepared. Can’t I just live in the moment? Does it always have to be perfectly planned out? What if I sink in and see what feels right? I can do the ritual in a few days, Spring won’t mind.”
Spring: “It’s true, Perfection, She can honor me any time she likes. Even in the Winter.”
Perfection: “No offense Spring, but that’s insane. In Winter? Besides, she doesn’t have time right now! No plan, Heather! Seriously? Are you mad, woman? You’ve got too much going on and did I mention it’s not planned yet and spring equinox is basically over? Start to plan for next year and we’ll ROCK it!”
Me: “I feel like you told me to do this last year and here we are again. I just don’t work like that. I’m starting to like living in the moment instead of planning so much and trying so hard to be perfect. “
Perfection: “Are you feeling ok? Maybe you should lay down.”
Great Mother: “My loves, Spring is a season not a moment. You can honor the spring and it’s beautiful energy of new beginnings and rebirth anytime, not just on the spring equinox.”
Perfection: “You sure about that G momma?”
Great Mother: “Ha! Yes, love. What if the equinox was a gentle reminder, bringing spring energy into your awareness? What if it’s your invitation to feel into how you want to honor spring? What if you just follow your heart and see where it takes you in the moment?”
Me: “I love that, it feels good. How beautiful? Perfection, I know you mean well but Great Mother knows what she’s talking about here. I mean she’s THE GREAT MOTHER of elements, seasons and all things living in nature. Trust.”
Perfection: “(sigh) I don’t know about this.”
Me: “Let’s take a deep breath, tap into my heart space and see what unfolds. It doesn’t have to be perfect.”
Perfection: “Hmph. Okaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy fine.”
Once I calmed Perfection and allowed the wisdom of the Great Mother to flow through my heart I was ready to birth my new spring ritual. And perform it whenever I felt called to without feeling guilty! After searching around the internet for a bit of inspiration, I stepped outside into Luna Garden and tapped in. In moments I created a beautiful ritual that I would perform on Sunday.
Sunday came and went and NO RITUAL happened. Life can be busy and overwhelming with 2 kids and a dog. I tend to think I can do more than I actually can in a day. Can you relate? I’m working on that. #highlysensitivemomlife
Perfection: “I told you this wasn’t going to work out. Top notch ritual you created though. Like I said next year we’ll rock it, we’ve got aaaaaalllllllll year to plan!”
Great Mother: “Perfection, take a deep breath, love. Heather can create space to do this ritual tomorrow, or next week, or next month.”
Spring: “That’s right, I’m honored to be honored anytime. Truly.”
Perfection: “Riiiiiiggggghhht…sure. Of course. Whatever you say. (whispers to me) next year’s gonna rock.”
Me: (deep breath) “I’m going to honor spring tomorrow.”
Perfection: eyeroll
And I did. It was around the same time my kids had returned to school. Like IN the building, 2 days a week. YAAAAAASSSSS! And breathe. I claimed the space and took my time enjoying my simple yet powerful ritual to honor the spring. It was lovely.
I invite you to try this anytime you want to invoke the energy of Spring into your home and life.
Take what you love and leave the rest. Add a few magic touches to make it your own or enjoy it as is. You’re choice, dear one.
You’ll need a fresh cup of drinking water, bare feet, house, apartment, room or living space to bless.
*Stand at your front door holding your cup of water
*Take a few nice deep cleansing breaths to bring yourself into the present moment
*Whisper a blessing into the water
“I show gratitude for you, beautiful water, life giving element. Your cleansing pure energy nourishes and nurtures my body. I fill you with intentions of love, new beginnings, inspiration, health, rebirth and growth.” (use any words that feel good for you).
*Take a sip. Feel the water dancing down your throat, into your body and soak in all the goodness.
*Feel your feet on the ground. Close your eyes. Take 3 deep breaths. Call in earth energy.
*Open the door to your home and announce yourself “Hello house, It’s me, Heather. I’m here to show you gratitude, bless you and bring in the energy of spring” or whatever feels right for you.
*Stop in each room:
-open the windows to let out the stale energy of winter and invite in the fresh energy of spring
-breathe and connect your bare feet to the ground and show gratitude for the space/room
-say a blessing or simply share: what you wish to see happen in the space, what energy you want in the space, what memories you want to make in the space throughout the season, what you desire for the people that are in these rooms etc.
-take a sip of your love infused water
Here’s an example of what I said in our bedroom:
May the energy of spring nourish and nurture us in this space. May we feel passion and warmth here. May my husband and I find sanctuary from the wild world here in each others’ arms, may we spend time slowing down and BEING together. May we gaze at the stars and the moon from this window in awe. May our body’s cells regenerate as we sleep in this bed….etc
You can go as deep as you want or it can be as simple as welcoming in the energy of spring and taking a sip of your water. I went deep. I always do.
I walked through the entire house. I set intentions in our common spaces. I infused my children’s rooms with love and protection and the energy of rebirth. I showed gratitude in each room for the memories we’d created and for the ones I knew were just around the corner.
Performing this ritual completely raised the vibration in our home and in my heart. The energy of Spring is buzzing inside and out. I even blessed Luna Garden (our backyard) and the moon tree in the front.
Now, I’ve got my spring ritual for next year. Unless of course something else flows into my heart in the moment. Ya hear that, Perfection?
Do you have a ritual that you love to do in the Spring? Sharing is caring…drop it in the comments below:)
Happy Spring, love. May the energy of newness dance around and within you again and again and again.