Don't be afraid to FEEL JOY....

It was a great week, until it wasn’t. Life is funny that way. One minute things are going along great and the next minute they seem to fall apart.


“The only constant is change.” - Tea wisdom


This is the message I’ve received on an off for months. As part of my morning ritual, I make and drink hot tea. The tea bags have little messages on them. Before I reach into the cute tea jar that used to sit on my momma’s shelf in her kitchen, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I set the intention to be open to the wisdom I’m needing for the day. It’s become a lovely way to receive daily love + support.


I believe we get signs from spirit, goddess, great mother or whatever words you prefer. They send us messages…TONS of messages in SO many different ways: birds, butterflies, bunnies, billboards, numbers, songs, movies, oracle/tarot cards, conversations, tea bags…the possibilities are endless. Sometimes they bang us over the dang head with the same message in different ways because we’re not paying attention. 


Keep in mind, we ALL receive messages differently! Some of us feel things, others see things, know things, smell things or hear things. If you’re like me, you receive messages in ALL the ways. It’s just sometimes you’re open to them and sometimes you’re not. 


The key is to practice keeping ALL of your senses open, leaving shame and judgement behind and simply bringing in AWARENSS. Or just ASK!!!! I’m working on this. When you’re looking for reassurance, support, answers, just ASK. So simple and yet so easy to forget. 

Sometimes I say out loud, “send me a sign” or “What’s the message here” or “I’m open to receiving”. 


I’m in the midst of experiencing a pretty amazing intuition development group. The incredible woman leading us, Dee Montie, is really opening my eyes to the many different ways we can learn to strengthen and trust our intuition and the messages we receive from spirit. She’s teaching me to let go, to surrender, TO ASK for what I need. And it’s beautiful (more to come on this for sure!).


So, clearly the hierarchy of light wants me to remember that ‘the only constant is change’. There’s going to be good days, bad days and all the days in between. Rinse and repeat. They want me to embrace this part of being human. I can FEEL it deeply. I’m doing my best to surrender. I believe it’s also a message about being present and feeling what you need to feel in the moment.


You see I’ve been struggling with allowing myself to feel Joy, to embrace and embody the feeling. I worry that if I feel too much joy, like really embrace it and allow myself to let go too much, something bad will happen. Ya know, to even it out. Like, I’m always waiting for the other shoe to drop. I’ve been working through this lately. It’s not pretty and it certainly isn’t easy, but it’s so worth it. We’re on this earth for such a short time. Some of us even shorter than others.

FEEL JOY while you’re on this earth. You deserve to feel JOY in the short time you’re HERE. We all do! Spirit, the Great Mother, The higher energies around you, want YOU to FEEL JOY deeply and spread that joy around, humanity and the world needs that light.


This past week was pretty epic for me. So many emotions released, so much trauma worked through, so much fear dissolved, so many limiting stories and beliefs given back to the earth. With the support of my Shamanic healer, Dee Montie, and functional health practitioner, Megan Adams Brown, I’ve been letting go of a lot of shit. I’ll be sharing more about my work with these magical mavens in future posts.


I saw more signs and received more messages from great mother, goddess and spirit than I have in awhile. I mean, in a few hours I was bombarded with sign after sign after sign, that JOY is here and ready for me to embrace. In the little things, the big things and all things in between. 


I FELT JOY this week deeper than I’ve allowed myself to in a long ass time. It was bursting inside me, squeezing my heart and I was allowing it. Like really allowing it to lit up a smile on my face and dance through my body. It literally gave me shivers. And breathe… It felt so good and then the shoe dropped…


Sunday morning my husband’s phone rang at 8:15am. I knew it couldn’t be anything good. Nobody calls us that early on a Sunday with good news. As soon as I heard my husband’s voice I knew it wasn’t good. One of his dearest friends from college died of heart attack. Dave/Larry was one of the most big-hearted guys I know. To be taken by a heart attack was just cruel (similar to the words he shared when our friend Cara passed away recently).

He was Jason’s roommate for many years (including when we started dating). He was in our bridal party and always one of my favorite people on this planet. Just being in his presence raised the love quotient and vibration.  He was silly and fun. He loved to randomly sing with me. He introduced me to the ‘Joy of cooking everything”, we watched tons of Simpsons episodes together while Jay went off to work. We both worked night shifts back then, so we didn’t have to get up and out early, we bonded. His voice soothed my soul and the twinkle in his eyes reminded me just how special he was. He made me laugh, he made me feel loved and safe. He grew into a wonderful man, husband and an INCREDIBLE dad.


We are heart-broken and devastated, especially for his wife and adorable 7 yr. old daughter. The world has lost another brilliant light. This is the 2nd close friend we’ve lost in 3 months. It’s heavy. My mother always used to tell me about “the big chill years.” Guess they’re here. Shoe dropped.

‘The only constant is change’…AND


I will still feel JOY. I won’t let this shoe dropping send me back into hiding from JOY. I will FEEL JOY deeply when it’s present. I will feel it for me and for my dear friends Cara + Dave that both left this earth way too soon. 


My prayer for you, on this Moonday is that you allow yourself to FEEL JOY when it’s present. FEEL it, embrace it and let it radiate through you and land in your heart space. Feel it for yourself, for your loved ones and then send it out into the world for all the people who really need JOY and just can’t seem to find it. 


With love + sensitivity,

Heather xo

PS I shared a video of my son playing the Cat Stevens song, Father and Son on my Instagram today in honor of Dave, Cara and that the only constant is change. Wanna listen? Find me @divinelysensitive on IG. Then let me know you’re following along so I can say hi:)