As the world spins madly on...
Yesterday on the dark moon, I sat in sacred space. I took some time to quiet the chaos, breathe and just BE. Recently I’ve discovered one of my gifts is to ask a question, put pencil to paper and allow the words to flow. A form of channeling I suppose. Are these messages from my own inner wisdom or an outer divine energy? I can’t say for sure, but there’s not much thinking involved. It just comes to me quicker than I can move my hand across the page.
I placed one hand on my heart, the other on my womb and said, “I am open to receiving any messages or guidance.”
Then I heard, “pick up the journal and write!”
Here’s what came through and I felt very called to share it with you!
As the world spins madly on…
REMEMBER you are loved, you are light, you are here to help ground us into a new age. The chaos you’re seeing are steps toward the crumbling. The GREAT BIG CRUMBLING. In order to rebuild, systems must breakdown. Evil must be exposed and sadly lives must be lost and hearts must be broken. We’re being pushed into darkness and despair.
Ruminate there, as you must.
For there are lessons in the darkness that can never be learned in the light.
Again and again and again to cleanse your soul and release the darkness as you process it.
It’s here, in this cold dark cave, that your warm and bright light will emerge.
Be patient, dear one.
Again and again and again to come back to yourself, to come back to love, to come back to light. And when you’re ready to raise up your light sword, we will stand side by side in honor of the highest realm and the highest good.
And sister, we will shine brighter than a million stars in the darkest night sky.
Fighting for justice, for peace, for change, for equality…for LOVE.
The darkness feels so strong these days.
Forced to witness it again and again.
Your heart shattering to pieces over and over.
Please, my love, be gentle with yourself. You will rise up in your own timing, there are many others holding the light.
Remember you’re never alone.
BREATHE, my darling soul.
And never ever give up hope!
Do you take time to get quiet and breathe?
What’ve you discovered when you allow yourself time to just BE?
I’d also love to hear how this message resonates with you.
Share in the comments or email me
Sending you so much love + sensitivity,
Heather xo
Feeling overwhelmed? Doing all the things for everyone else but yourself? If you’re struggling to create space to quiet the chaos, calm your nervous system and tune in, I’d be honored to hold space for you. Click HERE to set up an exploratory healing call to see if a 1:1 healing session is right for you.