Emotion is energy in motion + a journey within
"When you activate your power to release energy on a daily basis, you grease the wheels for that emotion to flow through you. Consciously or unconsciously. Intuition can really help you with this..." - Heather Dressel
In today's episode I share that:
*emotion is energy in motion
*you are not your emotions
*feeling is healing
*energy we hold gets stored in our bodies
*childhood emotions are shut down, hard to feel
A t the 8:07 mark your guided journey begins. Join me to release some unwanted energy. Guess what? You don't even need to know exactly what you're releasing! You'll still feel lighter after this journey.
Quiet the chaos, tune in and HEAR HER...she speaks your deepest truth.
In the guided journey I share a simple yet potent practice you can do anytime to help you call up and release unwanted energy.
Say this 3 times to help you release unwanted energy...
Unbind, Unbind forever unbind the energy I carry that is no longer mine.
How did you feel before the journey began?
What were you holding on to?
What needed to be released?
How did it feel to tap and brush the energy off your physical body?
*Continue the conversation over on the the HEAR HER facebook page.
*Join my email list for weekly wisdom and magic, plus receive a FREE grounding meditation to help calm your nervous system in less than 10 minutes!
*Follow my journey on Instagram and DM me with questions about the episode: @divinelysensitive
Wanna dive deeper into your healing journey, release unwanted energy and learn to trust your connection to intuition and spirit?
Email me divinelysensitive@gmail.com or DM me on IG to set up your free discovery call. Let's see if one of my sacred offerings is right for you.
Thanks for listening,