Are you a highly sensitive person + A guided journey within.
Do you get overwhelmed by large crowds, bright lights or intense smells? Maybe you're sensitive to subtleties like body language or facial expressions?
Did you know that about 20% of the population is highly sensitive? (sorry, in the episode I say 30%) Are you an HSP? If you're curious take this quiz on Dr. Elaine Aron's website
In today's episode I share:
*my discovery of being highly sensitive
*what it means to be an HSP
*how to explain high sensitivity to others
*a bit about Dr. Elaine Aron's research
*why quiet alone time is essential for HSPs
At the 7:30 minute mark I take you on a journey within to your heart space. Discover your secret garden and a tiny seed just waiting to be planted. Give yourself the gift of getting quiet, tune in and HEAR HER, your intuition... she speaks your deepest truth.
JOURNAL PROMPTS: after completing the journey grab your journal...
What did it feel like to enter through your heart space?
What did your secret garden feel/look/smell like?
What did you whisper into your seed?
What message did you receive?
*Community + Blog
*Intuitive Warriors
*HSP resources + blog
*Sensitive Evolution
*Sensitive - the movie
Books about being highly sensitive:
*Highly sensitive person by Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D.
*The Highly Sensitive Person in Love by Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D.
*Highly Sensitive People by Ilse Sand
*The Highly Sensitive by Judy Dyer
Continue the conversation over on the the HEAR HER facebook page.
Join my email list for weekly wisdom and magic, plus receive a FREE grounding meditation to help calm your nervous system in less than 10 minutes!
Follow my journey on Instagram: @divinelysensitive
Wanna dive deeper into your healing journey and learn to trust your connection to intuition and spirit? Email me or DM me on IG or FB to set up a discovery call. Let's see if our souls are meant to do this work together.