W.I.T.C.H with Jessica Brannen
I’m over the moon excited to share this potent conversation I had with my dear friend and sister witch.
Jessica Brannen
is a w.i.t.c.h (woman in total control of herself), intuitive, writer, storyteller and dedicated mentor for the feminine rising.
She is most lit up when she is joyfully showing the way into the new disruptive paradigm through practicing embodiment. This includes reclaiming pleasure, sensuality, and intuition as the foundation of her life.
Her personal journey has been all about healing the witch wound: the fear of being seen and heard speaking her truth. Freeing her voice was the result, and now she uses it to elevate other women to their most wild, vibrant and empowered expression.
You can usually find her on long walks in nature, dancing to be in her body, writing, tending to her wild and overgrown greenhouse, and following her body's guidance system, no many how many illogical or non-rational places it takes her.
In this episode we talk about:
*the witch archetype
*fear + ego
*the witch wound
*generational trauma
*ancestral healing
Dee Montie https://deemontie.com + Episode 2 with Dee
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