Mother Nature is my teacher...

Did you know that Mother Nature can help you connect to your inner wisdom and your soul’s desires on a deeper level? Pretty cool, huh? 


As a highly sensitive empath, I’ve learned over the past few years that Mother Nature is an incredible teacher. We’re deep processors, we get overstimulated and overwhelmed easily. Studying the seasons, the elements, the lunar and solar cycles can really help you get to know, understand, and honor yourself on a much deeper level. 

If you’re new to understanding your high sensitivity, I highly recommend spending more time in nature and creating space for quiet alone time. Combining the two is pretty magical.

Stepping into nature can immediately trigger your relaxation response.


Here are 3 of my favorite ways to do that: 

make sure you do these ALONE


1.     Take a walk in nature 

*no phone calls *no podcasts *no music

Just you and the nature around you. Breathe and soak in all the beauty. Pay attention to the trees, flowers, and living creatures in your path.

Receive the rich energy our EARTH has to offer and just BE.


2.     Earthing 

*bare feet *sit, stand or lay down on the ground

Close your eyes, be still, become aware of your body touching the EARTH, and just breath in her potent energy. Feel yourself become one. Just BE.


3.     Meditate outside 

*sit, stand or lay down outside  *be comfortable

Practice your favorite breathing technique or a guided meditation you love. Allow yourself 10 minutes to sit outside soaking in the energy of nature.


This weekend we’ve got some crazy amazing energy from Mother Nature and the cosmos coming our way. It’s the summer solstice, the new moon and there’s a solar eclipse. Wow! So if you’re living in the northern hemisphere you’ll be enjoying the longest day of the year. The summer season will officially begin and the energy of the element of FIRE, new beginnings, and awakening will reign supreme. 


The ancients believed that during this time when the sun is at its peak the veil between this world and the next becomes thinner. So try connecting to a loved one that’s passed. Just step outside, breathe, and call them in. Talk to them. See what happens. You might be surprised at just how connected you feel to them. Last week I honored the 5 year anniversary of my mom’s passing. I also landed on a ritual that I love and will do every year moving forward.  The connection I felt to her was so strong. You can read more about it here.


Summer Solstice is a great time to celebrate and show gratitude for any and all abundance in your life. This is when the sun is at its peak in the growth cycle, making it a powerful time to work with its radiant energy.  So get outside and soak in the sun, let it ignite you, and make your inner fire dance. 


Here are 3 ways I love to honor the Summer Solstice: 

*find a comfortable spot in or overlooking nature. Grab some tea and a journal…


1.     REFLECT


Allow yourself some time and space to reflect on the first half of the year. 


What were some of your peak moments?

What are you most proud of?

How can you celebrate?


Sadly we just aren’t taught to pause – celebrate and honor much in our culture. Please understand how important this is. You work hard. It takes time and energy to follow through on things. Just take a few moments to think about your accomplishments both big and small these past 6 months. Write them down, look them over, celebrate yourself!



2.     RELEASE


Spend a little time thinking about what you might want to RELEASE from the first half of the year. It could be an old way of thinking, a story you keeping telling yourself that’s keeping you stuck or maybe an old pattern that was put in place to protect you, that you no longer need. 


What do you need to RELEASE from the last 6 months?

What is no longer serving your highest good?

What can you let go of to make more space for the next 6 months?


Remember that everything is energy. Emotion is energy in motion. So we must have a continued practice of release. As highly sensitive empaths we tend to be like sponges, soaking in all the energy around us. Finding a practice to help you release unwanted energy is ESSENTIAL. 


*Check out our Full Moon Circles where we do a beautiful release ritual each month.


3.     DREAM


The solstice is a beautiful time to honor the duality of light and dark. You’ve released some darkness, now comes the fun part. I know it’s been a crazy, insane and uncertain year so far. 2020 is kicking everyone’s butt. Though I truly believe that we are at a tipping point and from our darkest tunnel will come our greatest light. So let’s dream a bit shall we…


How do you want the next 6 months to feel?

What would you like to accomplish before the year ends?

What do you want to receive in the second half of this year?


We’re not really taught or encouraged to spend time dreaming about what we desire. Making the space, getting quiet, tuning in…it’s SO WORTH IT! You are worth it! The first time I practiced this I was in my late 30’s. It blew my mind. Now I teach women the importance of spending time knowing, understanding and honoring themselves. 


What really lights you up?

Do more of that this year.  


It’s interesting, looking to Mother Nature as your teacher. You can learn so much about your own personal seasons and cycles just by paying attention to what’s going on outside your window. Sometimes your personal seasons will align and sometimes they won’t. That’s perfectly normal and more than OK. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. There were many years I lived through a personal winter during nature’s summer. Regardless of where you are, turning into the seasons and cycles of Mother Nature will help you feel more aligned with your own. Just step outside, your classroom awaits.


Wanna share your wins from the first half of this year or maybe claim what you want to release? Tell us what you’re dreaming about for the next half of 2020 in the comments. 


Wishing many blessings this Summer Solstice!


With love + sensitivity, 

Heather xo